All Voxel Busters Plugins will be inside Assets/Plugins/VoxelBusters folder. EssentialKit folder contains the plugin files related to this plugin.
Plugin comes with External Dependency Manager which is a plugin maintained by Google. This plugin minimises the conflicts with external plugins. As of now we use this for resolving android libraries.
Folder | Description |
Assets/External Dependency Manager | Folder where plugin exists. |
Assets/Plugins/VoxelBusters | Root folder for all Voxel Busters plugins |
Assets/Plugins/VoxelBusters/EssentialKit | Essential Kit plugin main folder |
Assets/Resources | Folder where the are stored. Make sure you don't delete this folder while upgrading. |
When you are trying to upgrade the plugin, make sure your Essential Kit Settings asset under Assets/Resources is committed to version control or have a backup.
All modules within the plugin uses assembly definition files(.asmdef). So these won't affect any of your project compilation times!