Android natively doesn't have option to render pdf file. So rendering it is a bit tricky but solutions exist.
To load a pdf file, we can make use of google drive's embedded url utility to achieve similar functionality on both iOS and Android.
string yourPdfUrl = ""
string urlPath = "" + yourPdfUrl;
Here we will make use of Mozilla's pdf.js project for rendering the pdf locally.
string PDF_VIEWER_PATH = "file:///android_asset/mozilla/pdfjs/pdf_viewer.html?file=";
string PDF_VIEWER_PATH = "file:///android_asset/mozilla/pdfjs/pdf_viewer.html?file=";
string yourFilePersistentDataPath = "/storage/0/emulated/.../sample.pdf";
string finalPath = PDF_VIEWER_PATH + "file://" + yourFilePersistentDataPath;
//Example to load sample.pdf placed in StreamingAssets
private void LoadLocalFile()
string PDF_VIEWER_PATH = "file:///android_asset/mozilla/pdfjs/pdf_viewer.html?file=";
string fileName = "sample.pdf"; // Change to your file
StartCoroutine(CopyToPersistentPath(Application.streamingAssetsPath, fileName, (string copiedFilePath) =>
m_activeWebView.LoadURL(URLString.FileURLWithPath(PDF_VIEWER_PATH+ "file://" + copiedFilePath));
//If you want to directly load file from streaming assets instead of copying to persistent path
//m_activeWebView.LoadURL(URLString.FileURLWithPath(PDF_VIEWER_PATH+ "file://android_asset/" + "sample.pdf"));
private IEnumerator CopyToPersistentPath(string sourceFolder, string fileName, Action<string> onComplete)
string sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourceFolder, fileName);
string destinationPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
using (UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(sourcePath))
yield return request.SendWebRequest();
if (request.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
Debug.LogError("Error loading file: " + request.error);
yield break;
Debug.Log("File copied to: " + destinationPath);
catch (IOException e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to write file: " + e.Message);