Schedule Task Repeatedly on Main Thread

Here we are scheduling a task returned from GetRepeatingTaskOnNonMainThread method. Notice it returns the action taskToRun which is passed to ScheduleTask as action task and called repeatedly.

private Action GetRepeatingTaskForMainThread(string taskId)
    UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get("");
    //Grouping the code which needs to wait or run indfinitely is placed inside the actionToRun. This will be passed to the scheduler.
    Action taskToRun = () =>
        if (!request.isDone)
            Debug.Log("Waiting for request to finish...");

        if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError ||
            request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
            Debug.LogError($"Request failed: {request.error}");
            Log("Failed fetching data from request... " + request.downloadHandler.text);
            // Successfully received response
            Debug.Log($"Response: {request.downloadHandler.text}");
            Log("Received data length... " + request.downloadHandler.text.Length);
        //Cancelling the task as we are done with this.

    return taskToRun;

Create options to set RepeatUntilCancelledWithInterval. Notice SetExecuteOnCallingThread is set to true as we call ScheduleTask from main thread, it continues on the same thread instead of spawning a new one to call the action.

BackgroundTaskOptions options = new BackgroundTaskOptions.Builder()
string taskId = "unique-task-id-1";
BackgroundServices.ScheduleTask(taskId, GetRepeatingTaskForMainThread(taskId), options);

We are passing options with repeat interval as 1 second which means after every invocation of the task, it sleeps for 1 second and calls the task again.

Once the task is finished, we call CancelTask with the same task id to cancel the task.

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