
Enable Feature

Open Essential Kit Settings and enable Notification Services feature in the inspector.




Presentation Options

Setting for how to present the notification

None : On receiving a notification, there won't be any display or badge or sound

Alert : On receiving a notification, it's displayed with UI

Badge : On receiving a notification, badge will be displayed on the app icon

Sound : On receiving a notification, sound will be played

Push Notification Service Type

Enable which service you want to use for Push/Remote Notifications. None : No Remote notification service will be enabled. You can still use Local notifications though. Custom : This activates the client side of receiving the remote notifications. You can send a data message payload via your server/service and the plugin captures the notification, sends an event via our callbacks. OneSignal : Not Available Currently in V2.

Uses Location Based Notifications

Enabling this will add the required permissions for location usage

Android Properties

Android specific properties

Allow Vibration : Enable this if vibration needs to be played on receiving a notification White Small Icon : Set the texture that needs to be used as small icon on devices >= Lollipop Coloured Small Icon : Set the texture that needs to be used as small icon for devices < Lollipop Allow Notification Display when Foreground : Enabling this will show the notification even when device is foreground Accent Color : Accent color for the small icon

Payload Keys

Payload keys that you can configure if your backend uses different keys

Setting custom resources

When creating a notification, you may want to set your own custom sounds or icons. For ex: SoundFileName or LargeIcon or BigPicture variables of INotification.

You need to place these files under Assets/StreamingAssets folder.

If you are upgrading from 1.x version, please move your files from PluginResources folder to Assets/StreamingAssets folder.

Platform specific setup


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