Mail Composer

Once after importing the name space, you can send a mail with MailComposer class.

You can set the following to the MailComposer.

  • To Recipients

  • Cc Recipients

  • Bcc Recipients

  • Subject

  • Body

  • Screenshot/Image

  • Attachment (any file)

Before accessing any of the MailComposer features you need to check if it's allowed to send mails through mail client apps on the user's device.

bool canSendMail = MailComposer.CanSendMail();

Once you get the results from above methods, you need to add content to the mail composer based on the above status.

Send a text mail

MailComposer composer = MailComposer.CreateInstance();
composer.SetToRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetCcRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetBccRecipients(new string[1]{""});

composer.SetBody("Body", false);//Pass true if string is html content
composer.SetCompletionCallback((result, error) => {
    Debug.Log("Mail composer was closed. Result code: " + result.ResultCode);

Send a mail with screenshot

MailComposer composer = MailComposer.CreateInstance();
composer.SetToRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetCcRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetBccRecipients(new string[1]{""});

composer.SetBody("Body", false);//Pass true if string is html content
composer.AddScreenshot("screenshot file name");
composer.SetCompletionCallback((result, error) => {
    Debug.Log("Mail composer was closed. Result code: " + result.ResultCode);

Send a mail with an attachment

MailComposer composer = MailComposer.CreateInstance();
composer.SetToRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetCcRecipients(new string[1]{""});
composer.SetBccRecipients(new string[1]{""});

composer.SetBody("Body", false);//Pass true if string is html content
composer.AddAttachment(fileByteData, mimeType, "file name");//fileByteData => file data bytes
composer.SetCompletionCallback((result, error) => {
    Debug.Log("Mail composer was closed. Result code: " + result.ResultCode);

It's allowed to add multiple attachments!

Last updated